Tuono Koń helps you live your wild meaning.

Maybe it’s the minute you hear wind in the trees. Or next to churning waves on a beach. Maybe it’s at the first crack of thunder—

Whatever it is, whenever it happens, there’s a personal moment you remember: you are Nature.

Nature is in you, and around you. When you connect with that power, you become your wild meaning. You become as potent as every plant drinking sunlight for lunch, as pure as each animal bedding beneath the stars at night.

If you’re ready to access and create change in a way that is not talking about it, is not spreadsheeting about it, is not therapizing about it, and is not a goddam lifehack — Tuono Koń is for you.

About our name

Tuono Koń means Thunder Horse.

It comes from Italian (il tuono : thunder) and Polish (koń : horse), honoring our founder’s ancestors and the lands her families called home.

How do you pronounce it?

Two-own-oh Cone

Our core beliefs

The core beliefs of Tuono Kon are the foundation of why we exist and how we coach.

We believe that:

  • Cultivating balance is a revolutionary act

  • Satisfaction and aliveness are paths, not destinations

  • Magic and timelessness abound in the everyday

  • Real emergence and growth are messy and nonlinear. And, clarity is closer than you think.

  • You have an intrinsic wild knowing. The strength and intelligence of the entire Earth exists inside of you

  • Agility, adaptability, softness, and surrender are superpowers. And you were born with them.

  • You are the force of nature in your life.

Feel true?

Then welcome, wild one.

The name Tuono Koń means many things.

Thunder + Horse

The spirit of the thunder and the spirit of the horse both marry strength and power with grace and deft. In nature, the sound of a running horse’s hooves and heavy clouds rolling in mirror each other. Yet both bodies, horse and sky, can be as gentle and as comforting as they are immense. Our founder came into this world loving horses, and often felt more at home with them than people. Kat also spent many afternoons inside their Grandparent’s garage watching thunders roll in, a memory that lives in their heart. The horse and the thunders are among the most essential memories that formed, and continue to inform, her.


In honoring ancestry, Tuono Koń represents our ancient belonging to the earth, to each other, and to ourselves. We inherit the intelligence of ages and have full access to a Wisdom of Life that long precedes us. At the same time, we recognize our responsibility as members of a continuing lineage, as impactful participants in the conversation of evolution. We step into this role with agency alongside our more-than-human peers.

Un-comfortable & un-English

Italian and Polish both predate the English language. They are more closely connected to times we lived in deep reciprocity with the Earth and its communities. By combining these ancient languages into a new phrase, Tuono Koń embodies the emergent, the unique, the combining of what is intrinsic with what is unknown. We do this with the conviction that it is this very place, where the as-yet-uncharted meets the irrevocable, where our wildest potential, and our full aliveness, is born. We know it’s uncomfortable, at first, to say our name. There’s no internal template, all you can do is make your own attempt. Which is exactly what our coaching is all about.

How do you pronounce it?

Two-own-oh Cone